Week-16 Kindness

We are on the lookout for kindness.

Hi everybody Happy Weekend to Y’all.

Ol’ Mark had us looking for kindness in all forms this week, which was pretty cool.

I’m really enjoying these exercises that we’re doing, also the ‘flashing’ of the cards, what a marvelous idea on how to drive our desires deep into our mind , and hopefully, our heart too.

It’s kind of like buying a brand new red car, then all the sudden seeing that car on the street ‘everywhere!  It’s something that takes a bit of getting use to at first, but then then you start seeing the kindness everywhere. You see it from your kids, your wife, neighbors, friends and even in your animals if you observe with a purpose.

This opens up a totally new dimension to our lives that we may not have been used to before. The late Great, Earl Nightingale put it best by saying ‘other peoples reactions to us is a direct reflection of ourselves. It’s how others perceive us’. If we would like a change to happen in others towards us, we are the ones that should make the change first, not them!

This totally makes all the scene in the world to me. When you are nice with other people for a change, other folks seem to be more open, kind, smile at you, they tend to gravitate towards us, people trust us more. No magic, smoke and mirrors trick, just human nature.

The Bible says in, Ephesians 4: 32  ‘Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as GOD in Christ forgave you’.


Till next week, Cheers!

About fasmasterkey

Hi my friends call me Fred. I was born in Naperville, Illinois. I have lived in Ca. since 1968. I now live in Temecula, Ca. 'wine country', just 1 hr. north of San Diego. I am married to a wonderful lady, we have two boys and one girl, ages 15, 12 & 11 yrs. old. Also, we have 4 dogs, 1 cat. Raising kids is a full time job for us, we want to impress upon them while they are still relatively young. I was a small aircraft pilot during college at Mesa College during the late 80's. I was a Police Officer for San Diego P.D., Eastern Division during the early to mid 90's. I was involved in the Drywall industry for many years. I got my B license, General Contractor, and worked on kitchen and bath remodels for many years. When the economy changed in mid 2006, I got out of construction and got into Direct Selling Industry. Today I am an IBO in the Health and Wellness Industry. The products are life changing, and so is the company. I wanted to take my business to the next level, so I enrolled in Go90Grow, with Mark J. from Kauai, Hawaii. I have learned the truth about NWM., his techniques are amazing, but I felt that I needed to change for the inside too. I then enrolled into MKMMA, this course is offered only every 3 to 4 yrs. A $2000 on-line, live, six month course that is also offered by Mark J. and his team. It is a lot of material, but well worth the course. It's said that truth starts from the inside first. I am very excited.
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11 Responses to Week-16 Kindness

  1. Funny how being on the lookout for kindness attracts it too, eh?

  2. krowell56 says:

    Awesome post, and the picture definitely topped it off. This exercise was really cool and definitely added a lot to our lives. Eye opening! Something I am adding to a lot of other areas, things I can look for and want to… manifest… I see them all around, then I know I am focused on them and we know that focus gets us closer to our goals.

  3. Ferdinand, It’s amazing that what we see is what we get. Yet, what we’re looking for is what we see. So, keep looking for what you want more of in life, because you just might get it! — Marea

  4. floydkish says:

    Man…I love reading your posts, great job!

  5. Love your blog and the picture is worth a thousand smiles

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